Episode 102: Rebekah Wolkstein

Rachel visits her cousin, Rebekah Wolkstein, a classically trained concert violinist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, songwriter, and vocalist, and mother of three daughters at her home in Toronto. With her husband Drew Jureka, also a multi-instrumentalist as well as a producer and audio engineer, Rebekah performs as part of Payadora Tango Ensemble and Venuti String Quartet.

From their home studio, she and Rachel discuss the experience of losing her income from live performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, creativity, ambition, hoop-jumping, ensemble work, the joy of learning new instruments and forms, the value of classical music studies at a young age even for those who won’t become professional musicians, and how both of them, in different ways and under different circumstances, came into their own as artists while mothering young children. The episode is full of memories, laughter, and of course, music.

Selected Work

Watch the full feature-length film Tango in the Dark here!

Also Referenced

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